
Late Night Pornography-Leather and Whips and Chains, Oh My!!

Alright, so technically early morning pornography, seeing as it's 12:28am.. But all is the same. You see, in the world of pornography, as I have very quickly come to learn, the stranger the better.
I honestly had no great desire to watch porn. But being linked to low, back room sites by a friend who will not be named (ahemjoshyoudirtysuckaahem) has opened my eyes to the possibilities that I may be looking for jobs in the wrong places, or rather on the wrong streets and their wealthy, high reputed corners.
I need to lower my standards. Not this low, but I'm sure that Josh would love to see me in a lacy black playsuit and thigh high boots.

Actually.. I would love to see me in a lacy black playsuit and thigh high boots =(

Well, I should probably be going to bed now, I was basically just waiting up to see if Judge Judy was on but it isn't.. G-A-Y. Damn fucking State Focus. Yeah that's right State Focus, you gotta take Judge Judy's 12:30am time slot coz no one wants to watch you mother fucker. All you got is crops and country singers, and nooooo one cares.

Good night all y'all. Have a wicked Wednesday.

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