AND THEN.........THERE'S TWO OF THEM MAKING OUT!! (If that's what they're doing, you can't really tell..)
I'd also like to make a HUGE mention to "Scotty Vanity" for giving us the opportunity to see his face. He's a brave, lonely soldier in the emo war!! (And that body!! Geez.. Hot stuff, Scotty!!)
Now you see, THIS is why I don't go on Bebo. I HATE Bebo. Bebo makes me want to VOMIT. There are these kinds of people lurking in public, not just dark corners. Bebo is their playground, MySpace is their coffee shop. I HATE BEBO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. And facebook is slowly reaching Bebo hate-status as well. I mean, hooray for all the people I haven't spoken to in a while, but OMG just get a damn MySpace PUHLEASE. I really really can't let it go and move on. Facebook is lame. Zorpia and socialsplash are lamer. BEBO IS LAMEST.
Please excuse me if your picture is up on my blog. Once you take it off Bebo, I'll take it off Blogspot. SHOW ME YOUR FACE. PUT ON SOME CLOTHES. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND MAKING OUT....BUT IF YOU'RE GOING TO PUT PHOTOS OF IT UP, THEN AT LEAST PUT UP SOME GOOD ONES.
And this is why I feel like a bit of an intruder on Bebo..
Yeah. No fringe, no photoshop, all colour. Luca and I are 100% naturally radxcore.
In other news, I wrote a song today. I'm pretty proud.. I used to write lyrics all the the time
but then I got lazy and untalented. It goes alright.. But seeing as it's the 2nd song I've written in the past 2 years (equates to one a year for those playing at home) I'm impressed with my efforts.
I'm about to order pizza. Damn I love pizza. *cries* I may as well be eating kilos.
I'm supposed to be cleaning the loungeroom and doing washing. There's a leak in our roof and I need the house to be clean so the real estate can come and fix it. The oven is also broken. There is also a pile of stuff out the back (like leaves and branches and stuff) that is taller than I am that needs to be removed before my 18th.
Speaking of my 18th, I made the invitations yesterday. Best ever. They have Corey DeLaney-Worthington on them. Actually.. Here's a filtered copy (minus the hefty details.. I don't want it to be quite like Coreys lol..)
I spent a good half an hour on that.
AHHHHHHHHH I WANT PIZZA SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD.. But I only have like, $7.. And pizza is $5.. What to do what to do?! I think.. I will get pizza.. And then.. I'll scab money off my mum tonight. Hooray for brilliance. (For that is what that just was.)
I booked Kentucky into the vet today.. He's going on Saturday morning. I know that's a long long way away seeing as he isn't drinking water and he has diarrhoea and he needs to be desexed and he needs 8 months of vaccinations lol.. But I don't get paid til Friday, and $7 won't cover a vet cost. I would book him in on Friday, but it's ANZAC day for all us Aussies and so Saturday it is. I just hope he's ok.
Whilst trawling through the internet to find the shoes I was looking for last night, I found this lil pair of beauties..
Sophia Bush, you will forever go down in history as the woman who destroyed her back for a pair of OBVIOUS novelty shoes. I mean, yes, they are very cool.. But you can't be serious.
Very intruiging, though.. As are these shoes worn by SJP (But aren't all SJP shoes intruiging?)
I love them. I love them, I love them, I love them.
I could never wear them.. But I love them hahaha. (Yes, I really did laugh that much.)
Well, teatowel fairies. It's time to hang up my wings and order pizza.
I suppose I shall talk to you all... in a while, crocodile!!
Laterzz Skaterzz!!
the orange shoes are marc jacobs fool
Yes but why would you wear them =(
Maybe I'm sad coz I can't.
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