
Twitter this, Bitches.

This is why I don't have Twitter:

930pm: Sauce on Rice.. My fave!! Best boyfriend evurr

10pm-ish: LOL. Gay guy at the Mobil.. So gross, but I love him.

1001: Not as much as youuuuu..!

1am-ish: Chillin with the boyf in the crib on the whatever side of Hamilton I'm at.

130am-ish: Watching The Office.. LAWLS!!

2am-ish: Awesome.. How do you spell Sauce-ome?

3am-ish: Going to sleep next to my amazing boyfriend. Naww.

530: Ahh!! Just woke up to my mum going to the gym.

630: Omg just went to the bathroom.

635: Brushing teeth in time for morning kisses!!

645: Kentucky totes just like, got heaps spooked and didn't know who I was..

646: Naww now he keeps sneezing.. Poor baby!! Going back to sleep..

8am-ish: Boyfriend's alarm just went off.. Really don't want him to leave!!

820: I miss you baby!! See you tonight!!

1227pm: Mum is calling.. Totally don't want to pick up haha!!

1236: Just got the sweetest message ever!! I have the best boyfriend in the WORLD!!

123: Ok I should probably pick up, and wake up and stuff.

136: So glad I woke up, just got a call from boyfriend doing trolleys.. So cute!!

140: Oh, Kentucky is sneezing everywhere!! I want to cryyyyy :'(

145pm-ish: Setting up the net, so painful..

2pm-ish: Heating up leftover Sauce On Rice.. Kinda glad boyfriend doesn't eat much now!!

201: Haha.. Yummmmmmm

210-ish: Checking emails.. Facebook.. Cryspace.. Lalala.. Talk to meee!!

213: So wish I had a job!!

215: What the hell am I even doing?

217: God I hate Twitter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2:53PM - Read one of the best Temika blogs ever.

2:57PM - Commented on her blog entry.

2:58PM - Can't stop thinking about how much I need her.

2:59PM - Giggled at the fact my word verification for the comment was ''anness''