
Mod for Moderate?

No, of course not!! Mod for Mod Cloth!! And even though it's often let me down in the past with it's overpriceyness and jingle jangle of boring centerpieces that seem to go with nothing I already own and can therefore already afford.. It still keeps bringing me back in hope that I'll find something worth my time. Fine. It's close to my heart. And when I say heart, I definately don't mean wallet. The only thing I've ever purchased off MC was for someone else. I'm too nice.

Anyway. So I'm going through a keychain stage.. I have too many off them.. But what the hell. I like the boggle one, teamed up with the Operation one (I sucked at that game and it scared me.) And who by the name of Temika Jayne doesn't need a kitsch j-poppy cupcake key cover for the one key she has to her 27 key charms but is gonna buy one anyway, huh? Well, that would actually be me. It's so cute.

The thing is.. I go more apeshit over homewares than I do over clothes these days. Don't get me wrong, fashion will always be my number one love even if it doesn't love me.. But I'm looking to move out and when I see something in an op shop for 50 cents that looks like it could be useful (a.k.a doesn't just look like trash with rust and spagetti stains) I go totally gaa gaa. So when I see things like thissss it kinda makes me wanna convulse. In a good way. I think we should change the way we look at our environment crisis.. Screw saving paper - Save staples!! See, these are things I don't need, and will only use once or twice in my whole life (I haven't used a stapler since I was 10 and broke into my gran's office and stapled together a card for my mum that said "I'm sorry for buying lollies with your change.") but apart for kebabs or enviro-friendly boutique store clothing, there is nothing I would rather buy. Like magnets for my non-existant fridge. Taterpots to plant things in so I can.. Eat those things.. I guess..

A cardboard mounted deer to stick upon my cardboard walls in my imaginary house.. This measuring cup full of air and useless facts about dinosaurs and other things that won't pay my rent. Little tiny birdy cards.. Just because I like to waste money. And the (three) holy grails of "I just had to get it" stuff (in preference of most to least).. 1. Clock and Chips. 2. Saved By The Bell sneakers. (Keeping in mind this is a MC only shopping trip) and last and least on the Holy Grail list.. 3. Revenge Of Boombox clutch. Wouldn't personally call it a clutch.. But it does look snazzy in a traditionally MC overpriced way.

In other fantastic news.. I told one of my friends to go fuck herself today and ran out of the house.. Messaged Grace and whilst doing so tripped UP the sidewalk and fell flat on my face. Actually, jokes. It was more of my feet were in the gutter, my knees were scraping along the footpath and my head was buried in a hedge. And when I stood up, there was a big rip in my jeans and blood gushing from my knee, and I looked at my toe and it was all covered in blood and my head hurt and there were 3 cars and an old man and my friend who I just told to go fuck herself all looking at me. THEN I realised a big bit of my toenail was like.. half ripped off. And you know how in the movies when tough guys get their teeth knocked loose, they sorta suck em a bit then spit em out? Well, I thought I'd be way tough and just rip my toenail out.

I walked home crying.

Love you all, except Hanna who can still go fuck herself. =)

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