
Coz a girl gotta have her favourite things..

1. The Cleary's Pure Canadian Maple Syrup that my friend recently bought me back from Canada (it comes in a bottle the same shape as a Maple Leaf!!)

2. Lancome Juicy Tubes in Strawberry Funk and Marshmallow

3. iPod Classic. What can iSay? (shut up I know I'm not funny you don't have to tell me) I've quickly become very dependant on this lil thing I christened "Latrina" and screw the new nano, I couldn't live without my bike of the south. I don't need a "shake to shuffle" feature.. It's like shaking a baby.. Can't be too good for it after a while. No.. I have Cloverfield, 80GB of space and Vortex to play continuously to keep me occupied.. I love Latrina like she didn't have diseases.

4. This little up do and this pretty perfect one piece from Lover. What can I say? I love Lover!!

5. Meal planning.. I SAY. Go to Darby street, get a slice of pancetta pizza from 8 Ounce, then skip across the road (but watch for cars) to Honeybee for some Hot Chocolate in a bowl. Yum yum =]

6. Carmen Electra's Fit To Strip DVDs. They make me wanna give up on life.

7. Home cooking with the following--Black Mushroom pasta, ricotta cheese, roasted peppers, eggplant, spinach, and sliced mushrooms. I'm so amazing, they should make a statue of me and put it in Civic Park. That is, after I've done a few circuits of Carmen Electra.

8. Neighbours. You never know what'll happen next, like when you think Didge is gonna break up with Decklan (or whatever) but then she REALLY wants to have wild crazy Erinsborough sex with him!! And then Ringo's psycho (can't deny it) girlf runs over Miranda's HIV+ sister and then Donna's cop dad finds out about it and tries to frame Lucas, Dan's dodgy brother who tried to hit onto Paul the REAL criminal's daughter, AND his brother's girlfriend Libby who is Karl & Susan's daughter, and remember when Karl had that affair with Natalie Bassingthwaite who is now presenting So You Think You Can Dance Australia and doing a shit job of it!?! Geez this show is gutsy.. Ahh!! Too much to cope with, especially when they recruit Dean Geyer, former Australian Idol FAILURE to play basically himself and hit on Rachel, Susan and Karl's adopted orphan.

9. Keyrings. Man I love my keyrings. I'd list them all here.. But I have like, 30 of them to my one working key. Richa got me one from Canada, actually.. It's so cute. It's wooden and it has a little indian elephant hand painted on there. I love it.

10. Doing my tax and getting it back on a Sunday.. Damn straight I got it back.. Bastards took out $81.27 though. I'll tell you what for next year mother fuckers.

Im gonna go watch last week's 90210. Later skaters

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